Complement to V/127A

PN G347.4-11.4 short red
Color image of PN G347.4-11.4 Short red image from SuperCosmos (FITS) Hα image from SuperCosmos (FITS)
Usual Name  FP1804-4528
J2000  18 04 32.0-45 28 27
B1950  270.209518-45.477421
Galactic  347.3990-11.4350

Status  possible PN
Size  420.0×360.0''
Morphology  Esa
Large, diffuse, oval nebula region, possible VLE PN with ISM interaction; H-beta > [OIII] but [NII] H-alpha

Field  HA417
Exposure  HA19214
(spectrum not available)
PN G347.4-11.4 Simbad  ⋅   Aladin          Telescope: MS      Date: 2004-07-15