01a 10237 Sc Tidal arm (I) 01b 10266 Im Tidal arm (I) 02a 4326 SBd Disturbed morpho tail-like possibly IR (I) 02b 4366 cI Disturbed morpho-IR (I) 02c 4235 SBc Disturbed morpho (I) 04a 8097 Sc IR 04c 8863 E2 Disturbed morpho (M?) 04d 8215 E4 Disturbed morpho-emission-too blue (M) 05a 12147 Sab Distorted spiral arm-interacting with b (I) 05b 12221 E0 Interacting with a (I) 06b 11377 Sab Boxy dust lane-weak radio 07a 4210 Sb Dust lane-tidal spiral arms-radio-IR (I) 07c 4366 SBc IR 08a 16014 E5 Double nuclei strongly n.c.i. (M,I) 08b 15966 S0 Extension toward 08a (I) 10a 5148 SBb H I anomalous profile (I) 10b 4862 E1 Sharp extension (M) 10c 4660 Sc Warped disk or tidally distorted spiral arms (I) 12a 14407 S0 Double nuclei (M) 12b 14956 SB0 Large P.A. twist 13b 12100 E0 n.c.i.-interacting with c emission-radio (I) 13c 12240 S0 Asym-interacting with b (I) 14a 5929 Sb IR 14b 5305 E5 Diffuse, extended galaxy-emission (I) 14c 5145 Sbc Asym. morpho (I) 15a 6967 Sa Weak radio 15b 7117 E0 Strong dust lane in the center 15d 6244 E2 n.c.i.-weak radio (I) 15f 6242 Sbc Disturbed morpho (I) 16a 4152 SBab Disturbed morpho-lopsided r.c.-radio-IR (I) 16b 3977 Sab Tidal tails-peculiar r.c. (I) 16c 3851 Im Sinusoidal r.c.-radio-IR (M) 16d 3847 Im Sinusoidal r.c.-radio-IR (M) 21a 7614 Sc IR 22a 2705 E2 Dust lane 23a 4798 Sab Weak nuclear and disk emission 23b 4921 SBc Luminous cusps at end or bar-radio IR (I) 23c 5016 S0 Spindle counterrotating gas-[N II], H_alpha emission (I) 23d 4562 Sd Peculiar morpho-IR (I) 24b 9137 SBa Peculiar morpho (I) 25a 6285 SBc Weak radio IR 25b 6408 SBa Extension to the south towards 25f (I) 25d 6401 S0 Peculiar morpho may have warped disk (I) 25f 6279 S0 Extension toward 25b (I) 26a 9678 Scd Asym. morpho weak radio-IR (I) 26b 9332 E0 Tail-like features-weak radio (I) 26d 9133 cI Extension to the south-possibly IR (I) 26e 9623 Im Disturbed morpho (I) 27f 26100 S0 Radio 28a 11441 Sb Extension toward 28e dust lane (I) 28c 11290 S0 Probably interacting with 28a (I) 30b 4625 Sa Dust lane 30c 4508 SBbc Peculiar morpho (I) 30d 4666 S0 Boxy isophotes 31a 4042 Sdm Sinusoidal r.c.-disturbed morpho-WR-possibly IR (I,M) 31b 4171 Sm Peculiar morpho and r.c.-WR-possibly IR (I) 31c 4068 Im Peculiar morpho and r.c.-IR (I,M) 33a 7570 E1 Distorted outer isophote emission-radio (I) 33b 8006 E4 Distorted outer isophote emission (I) 33c 7283 Sd In common envelope with a and b-radio-IR (I) 34a 8997 E2 [N II], H_alpha emission-two emission peaks-radio (I) 34b 9620 Sd Tail-like feature-radio-IR (I) 34c 9392 SBd Weak radio-irregular vel. pattern-possibly IR (n 35a 15919 S0 Weak emission which extends beyond the nucleus 37a 6745 E7 Rapidly rotating disk of ionized gas-blue-radio (I) 37b 6741 Sbc Asym. vel. pattern-dust lane-radio IR (I) 37c 7357 S0a Contains ionized gas-in the envelope of 37a 37d 6207 SBdm Weak radio 37e 6363 E0 Blue (I) 38a 8760 Sbc Peculiar morpho (I) 38b 8739 SBd Tidal tail-strongly disturbed morpho (I,M) IR 38c 8770 Im Strongly disturbed morpho-possibly IR (I,M) 40a 6628 E3 Disky elliptical-radio 40b 6842 S0 Boxy-P.A. twist-emission - extension (I) 40c 6890 Sbc Asym. H_alpha distribution-peculiar morpho-dust-radio-possibly IR (I) 40d 6492 SBa Extension southeast-peculiar radio-possibly IR (I) 40e 6625 Sc IR 42a 3625 E3 Radio-inner boxy isophotes 43b 10087 SBcd Asym. morpho tidal spiral arm-weak radio (I) 43c 9636 S0 Weak radio 44a 1293 Sa Peculiar vel. pattern and morpho dust-boxy-radio IR (I) 44b 1378 E2 [N 1l], H_alpha emission-rotating core (I) 44c 1218 SBc Seyfert-knotty ring in H_alpha (I) weak radio IR 44d 1579 Sd Peculiar r.c.-tidal tail-weak radio IR (I) 45a 21811 Sa Dust lane across galaxy 46a 8201 E3 Radio 47a 9581 SBb Tidal spiral arm-radio-IR (I) 47b 9487 E3 Spiral features-weak radio - interacting with a (I) 48a 3014 E2 Small disk in the oenter 48b 2385 Sc Peculiar morpho IR (I) 49a 9939 Scd Disturbed morpho (I) 49b 9930 Sd Disturbed morpho (I) 49c 9926 Im Disturbed morpho (I) 49d 10010 E5 Too blue for its lumimosity - disturbed morpho (I,M) 51e 7700 E2 Faint disk in the center 53b 6166 S0 Extension toward 53c (?) 53c 6060 SBd Peculiar morpho-tail-like feature toward 53b (I) 54a 1397 Sdm Strongly disturbed morpho (I) 54b 1412 Im 54abc may be a single galaxy 54c 1420 Im 54abc may be a single galaxy 55c 15690 S0 Disturbed-dust lane (?) 56a 8245 Sc Radio-Seyfert-type spectrum (I) 56b 7919 SB0 Warped disk extending toward c - radio (I) 56c 8110 S0 Extension to the northeast and south-IR (I) 56d 8346 S0 Disturbed morpho-weak radio (I) 56e 7924 S0 Boxy, too blue for its luminosity (I,M) 57a 8727 Sb Peculiar morpho and r.c.-tidal tail dust-possibly IR (I) 57b 9022 SBb Asym. morpho-outer ring bright in H_alpha (I) 57c 9081 E3 Faint disk 57d 8977 SBc Peculiar morpho radio IR (I) 57e 8992 S0a Peculiar r.c. dust-warped disk extended toward 57h (I) 57f 9594 E4 Faint disk-extended galaxy (I) 57g 9416 SB0 Emission 58a 6138 Sb Two ansac 10 kpc from nucleus-radio-IR (I) 58c 6103 SB0a Weak radio 58d 6270 E1 Long straight jet south of the galaxy (I) 58e 6052 Sbc Asym. morpho (I) 59a 4109 Sa Radio-possibly IR 59b 3908 E0 Extended galaxy (I) 59d 3866 Im Peculiar morpho-IR (I) 60b 18318 E4 Strongly disturbed morpho-dust (M) 61a 3784 S0a Disturbed morpho in the center (dust?) outer n.c.i. (I) 61c 3956 Sbc Dust-intense extended H_alpha emission-IR (I) 61d 3980 S0 Polar ring (I) 62a 4355 E3 n.c.i.-radio-large X-ray halo around group (I) 62c 4359 S0 May be interacting with a (I) 63b 9346 SBc Tidal spiral arm-possibly IR (I) 63d 9141 Sc IR 64a 10596 SBc Disturbed morpho-tidal tail (I) 64b 10723 Scd Disturbed morpho (I) 65a 14105 E3 n.c.i. (I) 65c 14243 E2 n.c.i. (I) 65d 13733 E3 n.c.i. (I) 65e 14405 E0 Small-bright star nearby 67a 7262 E1 Two nuclei disturbed morpho (M) 67b 7644 Sc Dust lane across galaxy-radio-IR 67c 7430 Scd Asym. morpho-close companion-radio (I) 67d 7071 S0 Galaxy 67a is too close by-may have n.c.i. (I) 68a 2162 S0 Radio 68b 2635 E2 Strong dust lane radio 68c 2313 SBbc Peculiar morpho radio-lR (I) 68d 2408 E3 Boxyisophote-shells (?) 69a 8856 Sc Asym. morpho dust or two nuclei-weak radio (I?) 69b 8707 SBb Radio-IR 71b 9335 Sb IR 72b 12356 S0 Asym. envelope interacting with d (I) 72c 13062 E2 Boxy outer isophote 72d 12558 SB0 Asym. envelope interacting with b (I) 73b 13600 Im Peculiar morpho (I) 74a 12255 E1 Double nudeus-n c.i. toward east-radio (M) 75a 12538 E4 Boxy at outer isophotes-tail-like features (I) 75b 12228 Sb Asym. morpho-extension-weak radio (I) 75d 12334 Sd Possibly IR 75e 12300 Sa IR 75f 13080 S0 Isophotes become boxy at outer isophotes 76b 10002 E2 Extension toward 76f (?) (I) 76f 10216 S0 Disk is tilted toward 76b (I) 79a 4292 E0 Strong dust-[N II], H_alpha emission-radio-IR (I) 79b 4446 S0 Strong bar[N II], H_alpha emission-tidal tail (I) 79c 4146 S0 Extended envelope toward 79b (I) 79d 4503 Sdm Asym. disk-tidal tail toward 79a (I) 80a 8963 Sd Radio IR 80c 9550 Im Peculiar morpho (I) 81c 15050 S0 Dust-lane-n.c.i. (I) 81d 14954 S0a Tail-like features to the north of the galaxy (I) 82a 11177 E3 Faint disk 82b 10447 SBa Large P.A. twist 82c 10095 Im Tail-like-dust or double nucleus-radio-IR (M?) 84a 16654 E2 Radio 85a 11155 E1 Radio 86a 6174 E2 Contains faint disk 86b 6196 E2 Dust? 87a 8694 Sbc Three dust lanes (I) 87b 8972 S0 Boxy isophotes 88a 6033 Sb Lopsided r.c.-weak radio-IR (I) 88b 6010 SBb Low-luminosity extension-ring in H_alpha (I) 88d 6032 Sc Weak radio 89b 8985 SBc r.c. is linear 90a 2575 Sa Strong dust lane across galaxy-IR 90c 2696 E0 n.c.i. toward b and d (I) 90d 2778 Im Tail-like features to the north of the galaxy-IR (I) 91a 6832 SBc Asym. morpho-IR (I) 91b 7196 Sc IR 91d 7195 SB0 Tidal tail-like feature (I) 92b 5774 Sbc Tidal arm (I) 92c 6764 SBc Tidal arm-Seyfert galaxy-radio-IR (I,M) 92d 6630 Sc Tidal arm-weak radio (I,M) 93a 5140 E1 Strongly n.c.i. (dust?) emission-radio (I,M?) 93b 4672 SBd Open tidal arm to the north-radio IR (I) 93c 5132 SBa Dust lane-extension toward a (I) 94a 12040 E1 Common envelope with b-peculiar radio (I,M) 94b 11974 E3 Common envelope with a-n.c.i.-weak radio (I) 94c 12120 S0 Ring (?) (I) 94d 13009 S0 In common envelope with a and b 94e 12250 Sd Weak radio 95a 11888 E3 Disturbed morpho (I) 95b 11637 Scd Tail-like features-weak radio possibly IR (I) 95c 11562 Sm Two nuclei-tidal arms and tails (I,M) 95d 12350 Sc Radio-IR 96a 8698 Sc Tail-like-Seyfert strong radio-IR (I) 96b 8616 E2 Contains faint disk 96c 8753 Sa Extension along semimajor axis-radio-possibly IR (I) 96d 8975 Im Peculiar morpho (I) 97a 6910 E5 Extended galaxy (I) 98a 7855 SB0 Asym. morpho-extension toward 98b (I) 98b 7959 S0 n.c.i. (I) 100a 5300 Sb Lopsided r.c.-boy isophotes-radio-IR (I) 100b 5253 Sm Peculiar morpho extended to southeast-weak radio (I) 100c 5461 SBc Peculiar r.c.-strong nuclear emission (I) 100d Scd Asym. morpho-low-luminosity extension (I)