2 CPD-19 6065. 4 Drilling BD error. 6 CPD-19 7221. 18 IRAS 19256-2330. 19 CPD-21 5989. 21 CPD-23 7609. 25 large proper motion, metal-poor G/K star, not OB+. 29 Drilling -3' Dec error. 45 CF type (G0) wrong. 46 LSE 46 is possibly misidentified: the star nearly 1' north is brighter 46 and (probably) bluer, but the available catalogue data are equivocal. 57 brighter star of 5" pair. 66 western star of 12" pair. 78 CF type (G) wrong. 108 strong H+K and H-beta emission, faint continuum. 121 Drilling has wrong position and magnitude for HD 129929. 125 IRAS (SIMBAD) position poor. 140 strong H+K and Balmer emission, other lines and faint continuum. 146 assumed to be brighter eastern star of 12" pair (western star is red). 161 [CW83] 1735+22 = TD1 32714; Drilling -5' Dec error (i.e. not BD+22 3171). 166 position is for northern star of 12" pair. 204 H-beta/gamma emission. 207 H-gamma/delta emission, faint continuum. 208 H(em?) and faint continuum. 216 H+K and H-gamma/delta emission, strong CaI 4226A absorption, LPV? 217 H-gamma/delta emission. 227 brighter star of 6" pair. 229 H and HeII 4686A emission, faint continuum. 230 H + line near Balmer limit in emission (OB+). 234 Drilling position/magnitude is for a fainter companion. 239 CaI strong, other lines weak. large proper motion dMe? 240 position from 2001MNRAS.324..580D is wrong, but USNO-A2.0 ID correct. 241 position is for brighter star of 8" pair. 246 large proper motion. 260 H-beta/gamma emission; very red but no IRAS detection. 261 many emission lines (PN with WC nucleus). 274 Drilling position/magnitude is for a fainter companion.